Articles like: BOLA Scrapers, L 160 mm B 50 mm Ø 20 mm PTFE, solid

BOLA Scrapers, L 160 mm B 50 mm Ø 20 mm PTFE, solid

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Article properties

Supplier: Bohlender
Material: PTFE

  Art. No. Description Price
H91602 BOLA Scrapers, L 160 mm B 50 mm Ø 20 mm PTFE, solid
BOLA Scrapers Scrapers made of PTFE with tapered end. Ideal handling due to big handle and wide blade. Universal chemical resistance. Abmessungen: Total length mm 160 Width of blade mm 50 Dia. of handle mm 20
Price on request for 1 piece
H91606 BOLA Scrapers, L 200 mm B 90 mm Ø 20 mm PTFE, solid
BOLA Scrapers Scrapers made of PTFE with tapered end. Ideal handling due to big handle and wide blade. Universal chemical resistance. Abmessungen: Total length mm 200 Width of blade mm 90 Dia. of handle mm 20
Price on request for 1 piece
H91608 BOLA Scrapers, L 200 mm B 120 mm Ø 20 mm PTFE, solid
BOLA Scrapers Scrapers made of PTFE with tapered end. Ideal handling due to big handle and wide blade. Universal chemical resistance. Abmessungen: Total length mm 200 Width of blade mm 120 Dia. of handle mm 20
Price on request for 1 piece