Articles like: Safety can st.steel 1.4571 pol. V=1 L, 110x110x235

Safety can st.steel 1.4571 pol. V=1 L, 110x110x235

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Article properties

Supplier: Asecos
Nominal volume: 1 l
Material: Stainless steel

Show attributes
  Art. No. Description Price EAN Code
16768 Safety can st.steel 1.4571 pol. V=1 L, 110x110x235
Safety can polished stainless steel 1.4571 with fine dosing tap made of stainless steel, PTFE seals, incl. Ventilation, integrated flame arrester (removable) and plastic protective ring capacity: 1.00 litres ø x H (mm): 111 x 235
Price on request for 1 piece 4250101143229
16771 Transport can st.steel 1.4571 pol. V=1 L, 110x110x235
Price on request for 1 piece 4250101143250